Week In Review

Feb 1, 2019 | Week In Review

Need a Little Weekend Reading?

Each Friday, we will be posting a Week in Review round-up of posts from the week.

How to Do You Make Your Ideas a Reality?

“What is the current state and the future state of the shift the company will require? And what is the project that will bridge the gap? This is where strong project management will map out the process and steps to make the new reality real.”

How Project Management Can Make or Break Your Business

Is There a Bully in Your Office?

“The Workplace Bullying Institute defines workplace bullying as “repeated, health-harming mistreatment, verbal abuse, or conduct which is threatening, humiliating, intimidating, or sabotage that interferes with work, or some combination of the three.” The four markers for bullying are a pattern of behavior that is deliberate, repetitive, disrespectful and always for the bully’s benefit.”

Effectively Addressing a Workplace Bully

Does Being Transparent Make You Less Authoritative?

“When leaders and teams focus on transparent and frequent communications, authentic relationships develop naturally. With a foundation of trust, people work better together and develop faster as a team–making it much easier to build momentum, retain high performing employees and attract new talent.”

Do These Things to Improve Transparency in the Workplace

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