Week In Review

Apr 12, 2019 | Week In Review

Need a Little Weekend Reading?

This Friday’s Week in Review round up is a collection of HR Stories recapped back in 2015 by HR Morning. Amusing stories are timeless!

The 25 Strangest Interview Questions 

“If you were a pizza deliveryman, how would you benefit from scissors?” – Apple


10 Unforgettable Lies HR Has Discovered on Resumes

Applicant claimed to have been an Olympic medalist.


12 Terrible Excuses Employees Actually Used For being Late

Free candy = national holiday. Employee thought Halloween was a work holiday.


The 30 Worst Phrases to Ruin a Job Interview

Do the security cameras work?


The 7 Worst Holiday Gifts From Bosses

At a company gift exchange, an employee received some rolls of toilet paper from her manager. Added bonus gift: a photo of the supervisor.

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