Week In Review

Entrepreneur Posted a Great Article on Customer Service
“A lot of companies are under the delusion that they’re providing excellent customer service when they actually are not. A Customer Service Benchmark report revealed that while 80 percent of businesses it contacted believed they offered excellent customer service, only 8 percent of their customers agreed that that was true.”
4 Simple Strategies That Will Help You Offer Excellent Customer Service
Ladders Gave a Few Suggestions on Phrases to Stop Saying to Sound and Feel More Confident at Work
“However, introversion at work and having trouble outwardly communicating your thoughts and feelings in a healthy way can cause challenges in your career, because that typically means it’s hard to confidently perform in front of colleagues and supervisors – and it also causes unnecessary awkwardness!”
4 phrases that make you sound less confident (and what to say instead)
Forbes Listed Top Ten Ways to Improve Engagement, Customer and Employee Retention and Profitability
“…leadership and culture drive engagement – and senior leaders should be as accountable as direct supervisors – but only two-fifths of the respondents said their senior leaders prioritize engagement.”
The Top 10 Ways To Improve Employee Engagement For Better Results
Latest Blogs from Spirit HR
Spirit HR CEO Elected As Chairman of The Board of ESAC
Spirit HR is proud to announce that CEO and Founder, Dale Hageman, has been elected as Chairman of the Board for the Employer Services Assurance Corporation (ESAC). This prestigious appointment highlights Dale’s longstanding commitment to excellence in the HR industry...
Spirit HR Adds New VP of Technology, Billy Miller
We’re excited to announce the newest addition to our leadership team—Billy Miller, who joins Spirit HR as our Vice President of Technology! With an impressive track record of leveraging technology to drive business efficiency and innovation, Billy brings invaluable...
Federal Judge Blocks Overtime Rule Nationwide
A federal judge recently blocked a significant rule change that would have increased the salary threshold for “white-collar” overtime exemptions, less than two months before it was set to take full effect. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) was found to have exceeded...