Developing a Plan to Reopen

Developing a Plan to Reopen

Developing a Plan to Reopen Establishments are beginning to reopen, and people are returning to the workplace.  Employers need to establish plans to help keep employees healthy and the workplace safe from infectious disease. Timelines for reopening workplaces will...
OSHA Reporting Guidance – COVID-19

OSHA Reporting Guidance – COVID-19

OSHA Reporting Guidance – COVID-19 We are all in a COVID-19 learning phase. Guidance, recommendations, and legislation change almost daily. It is challenging to keep up with even one aspect of this pandemic, much less all of it. This article will focus on Occupational...
Distracted Driving Awareness

Distracted Driving Awareness

Distracted Driving Awareness Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting.  At 55mph, its like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. It’s Not Just Cell Phones According to the National Safety Council at least 9...
PPE Prevents Injuries

PPE Prevents Injuries

PPE Prevents Injuries Personal protective equipment (PPE) prevents injuries in the workplace.  In 2018 the #1 cited OSHA violation was fall protection.  Respiratory protection came in at number four and two others in the top five can be linked back to personal...
Flu-Fighting in the Workplace

Flu-Fighting in the Workplace

Flu-Fighting in the Workplace According to the CDC, 2017-2018 was a high-severity flu season with record-breaking levels of influenza illness. Flu season peaks between December and February, putting us smack in the middle of it, but don’t be fooled, it can last well...
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