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Spirit HR Blogs

Assisting Employees in Times of Crisis

Have you considered a program that aids employees when they have incurred a crisis or catastrophic event in their lives and do not have the resources to handle it? Putting a plan in place that can provide assistance is an excellent way to let your employees know you care and to also allow co-workers an avenue to support each other in times of extraordinary events.

5 Ways to Manage Overwhelm in Your Business

The electronic age was supposed to free up time through automation. Somehow technology has taken over and created an environment where we are now working longer to keep up with the speed at which things are coming at us. Smartphones keep us connected 24/7, email at our fingertips and non-stop social media are only a few of the things that consume our time.
These suggestions will help you reduce your “overwhelm.”

June: Men’s Health Month

Did you know that women are 100% more likely to visit a doctor for annual exams and preventative services than women? June is National Men’s Health Month. One of the initiatives of the month is to encourage men to take preventative measures to ensure their health....

Avoiding Claims of Retaliation

Today, most employers are well versed in the topics of harassment and discrimination.  News outlets and social media keep us informed of the many stories on these subjects.  To help mitigate potential occurrences it is commonplace for employers to institute workplace policies, manager training and proactive investigation of employee complaints.

Employee Records: What You Need to Know

Is your company burdened with mounting employee paperwork and confused about what to keep, where to keep it and how long to keep it? There are federal and state laws that dictate all these requirements; FLSA, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, ADEA, ADA and USCIS to name a few.

Taxing Supplemental Wages

Are you as an employer following IRS regulation when taxing bonus payments and other supplemental wages paid to employees? There are two methods for taxing supplemental wage payments less than $1 million dollars.

Making Your HR Department More Effective

Last week Inc. magazine published “How to Make Your HR Department Effective Against Sexual Harassment” by Suzanne Lucas. In the article Lucas outlines several reasons why HR can’t stop all discrimination and harassment. We looked at these reasons and analyzed them from a PEO perspective.

End-of-Year HR Checklist

The end of the year is a great time to make sure all your ducks are in a row. A chance to clean up and organize all aspects of life and work before launching into the new year. This HR checklist will help you audit your HR tasks and prep for 2018.

NAPEO Confab

At the NAPEO Annual Conference in September, our COO Marilyn Conyer joined a round table discussion on the PEO Industry.

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